Force Orders 1939_34 X No. 34. 15th.November, 1939. 5 8. at,o. e. . 98 CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL AND STAT20N OFBICES ONLY. POLICE & FIRE AEN(F1ARSERVICE )ACT, 1939. At a LIeeting o£ the standing Toint Conuuittee held on 21st. October, 1939,it was decided, on the recommendationof the Chief Constable,that the differencebetween the Police pay (thie does not include any a11owanceethe Constablemay have been drawing) and Army Pay and Allowances of married Constableswho are called upon to serve in H. M. Forces, should be paid by the Police Authority. It was further decided that where the wife of a Reservist remains in the house occupied by t}:eConstable at the time of his calling up, rent an1 rates should continueto be paid by the County; and in those cases where the wife gives up the house, an allowanceof 10/-d. por week would be included in calculatingthe differencebetween the Constable'sPolice pay and Army pay and Allowances. Constables should report at once, if they intend to give un the house they nov . occupy, to enabl© the necessaryNotide to be given. The case of an unmarriedConstablewho has been in the habit of egul contributingto the maintenanceoT a pereon whom he is 1ega11y 1iable to maintain wi11 ba consideredon its merits. Constableswho receive the anove a1lowance wi11 have to pay the 5°'deductionfrom their Police pay, the same ae they would have been liable, had they continuedto serve in the Force, the amount wi11 be deducted from th.:A1lowanceprior to being paid to the wife or dependants. 2n.a11 cases, A1lowanceswi11 be paid direct to the Constable's wife or dependant: 2n accordancewith 5ection 2 o£ the abore Act, the period of serviee in H. N'.Forcee during the [9a wi11 count as Police service towarde pension, when the Constablereturns to the Forçe on the cessation - 1 - of hostilities. Constableswho have not completedtheir Probationary period before joining H. G4.Forcee, wi11 be required to do so on rejoining the Force. 4s one of the con tionso£ 8ervice in the Cheshire Constabularyis that a11 membere should subscribeto the Provident Fund, it wi11 be necessary for Constablescalled to serve in H. . Forces to report to their superintendents,who wi11 be responsible for the payment of the subscriptionsin the case of the death of a Member of the Fund. AssistantChief Constable. - Z -