Force Orders 1939_26 X To c:RCUIATED To ALL 3fú 1S OF TT.IS C-` 1Aâ .^.^:;STAPL7!1RY Io . 26 7th Septe e , 1930. YtEARflC'Qe 9T?LL IRL" T5 2 have had under considerationthe order which a isaued regar,'.ingthe wearinb of steel helmets. Unti1 further nstriot onsare issued,members of the Foroe need not wear their helmets bet ee sunrise and sunset. During this period the helnet must be carried by a11 racks an d this ca best be do e by passing the chin strap 6f the helmet over the shoulder strap ef the General $orvice Respiratorand letting tze helmet rest on the Respirator3aversacic. Eet ean the hours of aa..set ar.d sunrise, hel.ets must bo worn by a11 ra-?ks :hen on duty. Chief Constable.