Force Orders 1939_25 X CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS OF THE CHESHIRECONSTAHULARY. No. 25. 3 d. September,1939. 1Ye are aa at War. My £irst thought is how privileged and hoaoured 2 am to be ia o r +man d o£ the Cheshire Constabulary. Evaryone of yax has shownduringthe teatiagtime o£ mobilisationa williagness,zeal and efficiencywhichenablesone to Paoewhatevermay be 1a front of us with confidence.The preliuinaryatageshave been carriedoatwithouta hitch, with ao confusion,in fact ao smoothlyhas the machineworkedthat it might have been everydaynormalprooedure. In war the greatestattributesare oalmneas,oheeriness,aad courage. You ara a11 we11 endc'Tedwith th®aequalitieeaad duringthe testingtime aheado£ us theywill praveoP 3aestimablevalue. Rememberat a11 timesto do what you an to a11aypaniaand contradictalarmingrumoura.Nothingallayspanicsoonertha the example setby steadfastmen. 1 Ae aa o1d soldier1et me urge you to eatehen you a a.aadsleep whea yoa aaa. God blessyoa a11. ChiefConstable.