Force Orders 1939_22 X CIRCULATIDTO ALL RANEB No. 22. OF THE CHESHIRECONkTABULA,RY. 24th Ju1y,1939. The ChiefConstablehae receivedinformat oathat eaemyeepionageorganisationsare contemplatingthe use of wireless as a means of commun cat ngiaformation,both in peaceand war. ihe Ch3efConatabledirectsthat a11 rankewi11 immediately report any iaformation, however trlvial it may seem, which suggestsany suspiciousactivitieeia co a çt o with wireleastransmission. Shouldit be knovrnthat any personis using an amateurwirelessstation,Constablesin posseasioaof shortwave receivers,shouldif at home endeavourto iaterceptransmission from auch stationsand reportaay doubtfulconversationthey may hear.The time of a11 euchmessagee,the approximatewave length and ca11 signeare most important. ParticulareoT any transmissioain a foreignlanguage from any stationsotherthaa recognisedContinentalSt ionewi11 be notedaad reported. ChiefConstable.