Force Orders 1939_20 X No.20. CIRCULATEDTO AiL.RANKkOF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. The ChiefConstableon behalfof a11 Membersof the CheshlraConstabulary, sent the followingletter:— CountyChiefConstable'sOffice, Chester. 24th May,•1939. 5ir, . 2 have the honourto requestthat ÿou conveyto Her Majesty QueenMary tliehumbleduty and devotionof a11 Membersof the Cheshire Constabulary,aud'theirdistressat learningo£ the seriousaccidentin which Her Majestyhas been involved,and theirheartfeltwishes£or Ver Majesty'sspeedyrecovery. I have the honourto te, S1r, Your obedientServant, (sgd)J. BECKE. Major. ChiefConstable,ofChesh3re. . The Ion. GeraldChichester,C.V.O., PrivateSecretaryto H. M. QueenMary, Marlborough'üouse, LONDON.S.1Y.1. The fo11ow1nggraciouereplyhas been received:— MarlboroughHouse, s.W.1. 25th May, 1939. Dear kir, I em commendedby QueenMary to expressto yourselfand the Membareof the CheshireConstabularythe gratefulthanksof Her Majestyfor the kindmessageof sympathyyou have sent. Yoursfaithfully, (sgd)P. K. HODGSON. ActingPrivateSecretaryto H.M.QueenMary. Major J. Becke, ChiefConstable, The CheshireConstabulary.