Force Orders 1939_17 X CIRCUI.ATEDTO ALL BANXB 01? No. 17. THB CRESHIRECONBTABIILARY. 11th May, 1939. s ' d ,o G.o. 1014' DIARYNOTE-BOO . . Referringto pe.ragraph12 of GeaeralOrderNo. 1 dated 1et Januery„_1936,the ChiefConstabledirectsthat a11 entriesia the Diarypart oP the Notebookwi11 ba made at the time of the oocurrence, i.e.,whan a Coa ta leattendsa ConferencePoint,he wi11 ent®r the fact thereaad then iu the DiaryPortionof the Book;likew3se, when he receivesa visit £roma SuperiorOfficer,the visitwi11 be enteredon the spot,,bothby the SuperiorOfficerend the Constable, visited. Ia otherworde, it is intendedthat each eventae entered in the DiaryPortioaof the Bookwi11 be enteredin chronological orderas and when theÿ occur. It is Importaitthat the eaacthour t}st aa Officer ' arrivesat a ConferencePointbe recorded. For 5nstance,the Conference Poiat is at 1.30a.m.,the Constablearrivestheraat 1. 28 a.m. He ehouldenter in the Diary P tioa oY the Book 1. 28 a.m. and ttot1. 30 a.m. The absoluteaccuracyof the tiwe reoordedmay leadto the acquittalor convictionof an allegedoffender. Superintendents,Imspe tor and Sergeantswi11 piriodically inepectthe Notebooksof those in their coffinandafterthey havemade a ConfereacePo1ntia orderto see tha.thase instructionsare being carried out, end in the eventof any omissioathey observea reportwi11 be sub- ' mittedthroughthe Superinte ientto t2iidOffice.