Force Orders 1939_14 X v Circulatedto a11 Ranks. No. 14. 15thApr31,1939. TRAININGOF POLICEWAR RESERVE. The trainingof the PoliceWar Reservewi11 commencewithout delay. . sectionalsergeantawi11preparea nominalro11 o£ membersof the PoliceWar Reservelivingin theirdistrictsand wi11 keep a recordof the traiainggivento such men in accordancewith the eyllabus(eee Supplement1 to this GeneralOrder.) As aoon ae the man haa completedhis couraeoY trainingthe factwill be reported to Veadquarters. The superintendentsof Hroxtonaad EddleburyDivisionsand the DivieionalWar EmergencyOfficereof the otherDivisionswi11 be reeponeiblefor makingthe neceaearyarrangements. They w'111keep a ro11 o£ the PoliceWar Reeerveo£ the Diviaioneo that they oan aee whetharthe trainingis makingeatisfactoryprogress. Thé lecturee aad instructionmust be on simplelines. No attemptmuet be made to , hold examinations. If 3t appeareto a sergeantthat a man ie obviouely uneuitedto be a memberof the PoliceWar Reservehe wi11 report accordinglygivinghie reaaone. It w111 be eeen from the eyllabue that the greaterpart of the trainingwi11 be in the handsof the Constableswith whom the Reservesare to patrol. The best Constables to eelectfor this purpoeeare thoeealreadyon my 11et of eelect®d Conatableeto train recruite. The Firet&id inetructlonmuet be kept on eimplelinesand can be givenby any Conetableexperiencedin thie work. If possiblethe lectureand inetructioaon trafflcdri11 and trafficlawewi11 be givenby a memberof the MotorPatrol. If auch a pereonis not availablethe instructionwi11 be givenby the sergeant. • The A. R. P. Sergeantswi11give the neceeearylnetruction1n A.A.P.and &nti-Gaemattere. Properlyarrangedand organisedthe work of trainingneed not interferewith ordinarypolicework. If thereare any difFicultiee aboutthe trainingof theeemea the fact muet be reportedto me immediately. , , The attached5upplement1 giveethe eyllabusof tralning. It wi11 be see that one hour ie allottedfor each subjectbut I wish Noe. 3, 6, 9 a d 12 to be extendedto four houraif poasible. 2 aim at givingthe trainee16 hourepatrolwith a regularConstableand if any 5ergeantcan arrangefor this periodto be epreadovermore than four daye I will be eatiefied. If poesiblethe traineeshouldwork with the aame Constable duringhie coureeo£ trainingbut.ifthis ia npt convenlentSergeante havemy permiseionto make otherarrangements. The attached5upplement2 givesthe termeand conditionso£ eervice £or membereoT the PoliceWar Reserve. It wi11 be seen that no pay wi11 be given for tralning. • Supplement1, SYLLABUSOF INSTRUCTIONFOR MEMBERS OF TAE POL2CE WAR RESERVE. G.O. 14/1939. No. subject. •Voire. Introduction.Generalexplanationof duties. Lecturecoveringthe pointeof Inetructional MemorandumNo.8. One. Th1ewi11be givenby a Sergeantand if poeeibleby the EmergencyOfficerwho wi11 thusbe givenan opportunityo£ gettingto knowthe men and formingan opinionof thei;ábi t ee. FiratAid. Ta1kon tha generalprinciples.Explainthe art o£ bandaging,etoppingbleeding,applying One. eplinte,treatingshock.Methodof conveyinga patient. Uea o£ etretcher. Patrolwitha eelectedConetablevho wi11 iaetructman duringpatrolon lineeset out in Inetructional Oae.(Ifpossible MemorandumNo. 8. Haforecommencingpatrolexplainthe correctuee of staffand haridcfdef. four). Anti-gaelnetruction.Protectionaffordedbÿ reepiratorand anti-gasclothiag.Uee and care of respirator. One. kir RaidWarningaction. Generalexplanationof policeduties. Explanationof actionto be takenunder 1oca1echeme. In tructionin the sendingand receivingo£ messages,uee o£ the telephone. 6. Patrolwitha electedConstablewho win inetructman ae 1n No. 3 but who wi11 pointout 1oca1 A.R.P. One.(Ifpossible buildings,aheltere&c., 1oce1eyatemof warninge. ' four). 7• FirstAid. Treatmento£ fracturea.causes- signs,eymtome,treatment.Treatmentto be oP simplesti.e. One. fix splintseecurelyaboveand be1omfracture. Rnti-gaeinstructions.Fittingof reepirator.Reepiratordrill. Care qf reepirator. ' One. Patrolwith eelectedCoaetablewho m inetruatman aa in No. 3• One.(Ifpossible four). FirstA1d. Artificialreepiration.Treatmentof burneand scalds.Ta1kon 1oca1caeualtyarrangementsin War. Oae. Trafficdri11followedby a generaltalk on traffiolameas theyaffecttrafficdutypolicemen. one. Patrolmith eelectedConetablewho will inetructman aa in No. . One.(Ifpossible four). 5upplement2.. G.O. 14/1.939. POLICE WAR A E S E R V E. Termeand Conditionso£ Service. 1. A memberof the PolicePiarAeaervewho has eignifiedhie willingnessto serveaa a PoliceOfficeria the eventof war aad to perForma Pu11tour of duty by day or night (normallyelghthoura)may be requiredto do not lessthan 20 houretraiaingduringh1e firat year and 12 houretrainiagduriagaubeequentyears. The trainingwill conaietof inetructlonin generalpolice duty iacludingpracticalwork under eupervlsion. No pay wi11 be given for thie training. No.member°orthe,PollceWar Reeervewi11 be calledupon to do any policeduty in peacetime otherthan training. 2.- In the eveatoY war such mea ae are requiredto comeout for duty wi11 receivea notic®to reportto the PolicaStationto whioh they are attaohed. Their serv3cewill commenceYrom the time that they reportat the Station. Membereof the Po11caWar Aeeervewh®a calledout for duty will be swornin and wi11 be giventhe temporaryrank oP locatable. Each memberof the PoliceWar Reserve,when celledout for duty, w111 be ieeuedwith uaiformclothiagand appointmenteachichwi11 be givenup on terminationoY hie employmeat. ® memberoY the PoliceViarReservewill,if possible,be . employedat the Policestationto whichhe 1e attachedin peacetime, but if thie is aot practicable,he muet be preparedto eerveat any PoliceStationwithinthe policedletrict®herehie aerv o emay be requir®d. He wi11 be requiredto do duty eitherby day or by aight. The Ch efOfficeroY Policewill be entitledto dlepenae eummarilywith the serviceso£ any memberoY th® PoliceWar,Raserve whoaeconducthe considerediscreditableor who failsto obèy the ordersof any superiorofficeror eho withdrawshimeelffrom duty withoutdue noticeor permission. Any men whoeeaervlceeare eo dispensedwith wi11 forfeita11 righteto eitherpay or other emolumentia respectoY any periodafterthe cessationof hi.eemployment. Membereof the PoliceWar Reservewill aormallybe removed from the Regleteron attainingthe age of 60. The rate of pay wi11 be 60e.per week, free`ofany deduction. Memberaof the PoliceWar Aee®rve+ri11be entitledto dieab111tyand dependants'pensionsand gratuitieson the scales approvedfor thoaeuadertakiagwholetime employmeatunderGovernment or PublicAuthoritiesfor,theduratioaof a wars