Force Orders 1939_10 X S aP o G.o. 28I45. No.10.» - 14thMarch,1939 TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKZ OF THE CHESHIRECONBTABULARY 2t was decidedat a Conferenceof Detectivesof No. 1 District,held at Liverpoolon 28th February,1939,that it would be o£ assistanceto a11 forcesif enthe circulationof personswanted or motor vehiclesstolettis being cancelled,the date and placeof arrest,or the dateand placeof the recoverycf the motor vehirles is includedin the cancellationmeasage. The ChiefConstabledirectsthat Superintendentswi11 ensurewhen cancellingthe circulationof personswantedor motorvehicles stolenin theirDivision»thatthe date and placewherethe personwas arrestedor the motorvehiclerecovered,will be givenin the message of cencellation. Thiswi11 applyin a11 cases,whetherthe circulatioaie by Dai1yInfo mation,telephoneor by wireless.