Force Orders 1939_09 X No. 9. 10th March, 1939. TO HE C2RCULATEDTO DIYISIONALAND 3TATION OFFICESONLY. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 N . • The followingOfficeris prm otedto the raakof Sergeantat £5. 0. 0. perweek frac the 19thMarch,1939 :- No.501ActingSergeantAlbertFiehwick,Crewe Division. Th® followingOfficerie promotedto the rankof PaidActiagSergeantat £4. 17. 6. perweek from the 19th. March,1939 :- . No. 36 ConstableTho®asSamuelShoae,Altriaohem Division. Thefollowing0£ficerie promotedto the raako£ Sergeantat £5. 0. 0. perweek £romthe 1etApri1,1939 :- No.199ActingSergeantSamuelSandfordAxon, VP1rra1Division. The followingOfficeria promotedto the rankof PaidActiagSergee.natt ±8. 17. 6. perweek fromthe 1at Apri1,1939 :- No.336ConetableFrankLowe, AltrinchaiDnivision.