Force Orders 1939_08 X No. 8. 14th February 1939. CIRCULATEDTO ALL R102 0F THE CIEBIIRE CONSTAHT]LARY. STATION OFFICE FILING. (a) Police Regulations,1920. A copy of the above is being issued to each Divisional Office and to each Station Office in the County. It wi11 be filed at a11 Station Offices in box file No. A.B. It wi11 be numberedA. 8(9). A11 reaks wi11 neatly add to SupplementNo. 1 of General Order No. 65 of 1936 after A. 8(8) the following .- "A. 8(9) : Police Regulations." At Stationswhere card index systems are in operation those in chargewi11 insert in the system a card showingwhere these Regulationsare filed. Care wi11 be taken to add these Regulationsaridthe number allotted to them on the A.8. card at the beginning o£ the card index system. ResponsibleOfficers at their next inspectionwi11 satisfythemselvesthat this order has been carried out by a11 ranks. Headquarters and DivisionalOfficeswi11 file the above in accordancewith their wm system and wi11 index these Regulations in the usual way. AS