Force Orders 1939_05 X No. 5. 9th. February,1939. CIRCULATEDTO ALL 111KB OF THE CHESHIRECONBTABULARY. The ChiefConstableregretsto have to eay.thathe hae to-dayreduceda Sergeantto the rank of Conetablafor makingfalse entriesin his notebook. The Ch1efConatablewieheeto draw the attentionof a11 ranksto GeneralOrderaNo. 45 of 4th. June,1936,No. 30 of 16th. June,1937,No. 52 0£ 21st.December,1937,and No. 50 o£ 2nd. December,1938• The ChiefConstablecan on1y reiteratehis opinionthat, any PoliceOfficerwho wi1fu11ytells a untruthor makee a£alee entryin an officialdocumentor makeea faleereportie unfitfor tha PoliceService. The ChiefConstablewieheeto draw the attentionof superintendentsto the minuteeof Superintendente'ConferenceNo. 345 - Examinat3onof Books. This examinationehouldincludea11 Officere etationedin their Division. It is oi1yby such examination being carriedout that 5uperintendentecan be eatiefiedthat the bookeare correctlykept and free of false entriee. Thia caee also revealadthe necessityof Superintendente satisfyingthemeelveethat o1d notebooksare kept in eafe cuetody. ON4N \ 1 u , •4 i ., 1 ......,.. , x . • 2 '