Force Orders 1939_02 X No. 2. 18th January,1939. CIRCULATEDTO S PERINTE WENTS, INSPECTORSAND SEROEANT3ONLY. • D I 5 C 2 P L I N E. Reforringto Paragraph15 of StandingOrder No. 1., it wi11 be c1earlyunderstcódby Superintendentsthat £or the purposesof disciplinethey are responsibleto the ChiefConstable tor a11 Constablesstationed1n their Division,no matterto what branchof the Ser icethey belong. kuperixxtendentswill impresson Inspectorsand Sergeantsthat it is their dutyto reportany misbehaviourof any memberof the Force,whether6&or off duty.