Force Orders 1939_01 X No. 1. 14th.January,1939• TO ALL RANKSOF TIE CHBSHIRECONSTABULARY. LIBERTIESV+HENOFF DUTY. The ChiefConstableregretato etatethat he hae to-daydismissedfrom the Forcetwo Conatablesfor breakiaginto a garageand takinga car without the owner'econsent. Theeetwo Constableswere boundover by a Petty SeeeionelCourtto be of good behaviourfor one year. The facts showed that they had vieitedthreepublichouses. Apart from thie casethe ChiefConetablehas groundsfor believing that maay membereof the Forceare fooliehlyindulgingin drink. He truete that this regrettablecaee,whichhae tarniehedthe fa1r reputationo£ the Force,wi11 convincea11 youngofflcer of the dangereo£ drink. Whiletthere can be no posaibleobjectionto an Officerhaviaga drink, thereie everyobjectionaad a positivedangerin any Officergoingto a publlchbuee and indulgingtoo freely. For any Officerto visltone pub11chouee afteranother,or what ie colloquiallyknownae "pub crawling8 " ie repreheneibleand-such du tdamagesthe reputationof the Force.. In the opinionof the ChiefConstableth® statueo£ a Po11ceOfficer to-daymakes it belowhie d3gnityto frequentpub11cbousesae outlinedabove. If there ia any recurrenceof this disgracefulconduct,the Chief Constable ' G.o• w111 not heeitateto put a11 publichousesin Cheehireout o£ bounds. At preee t,he wi11 on1y definitelyforbidany Officerto vieit,exceptfor NO'`A5 purpoaeeo£ duty, aay publichoueewithinhie Section. If 1n the opinion of the superintendentit is coneideredadvieablein the best interestsof the Forceto extendthie Order,the Superintendentie autho edto do eo. The Superintendentin such circumstanceswi71give everyOfficerconcerneda writtenorderto that effect,and send a oopy of euch Orderto Headquartere. The Superintendentwi11 ensurethat any new OfFicerpostedto the sectionis 'givena copy. The ChiefConstablewishesto draw the attentionof a11 rankato standingOrderNo. 1. paragraph(50) "Lïbertieawhen off duty". The Ch1efConetablewieheeSuperintendenteto eneurethat this regulationis rlgidlyen£orced. From the-receiptof this GeneralOrder,a11 applicationsto leavethe huit of the town or villagein whlchan 0f£icer1e etatlonedis to be made 3a writing, If euchpermlesionie grantad,the Officeron his returaia to signthe Visitor'sBook at the Po13ceStatlon statingthe hour of h1s return. In rura1areaethe Constablewi11 inform his sectional0£f1ceby telephoneof hie returato his etatioas The factthat the Coastablehae, afterreporting,returnedto hie lodging or etation,will fromt3me to time be checkedby the Sergeant. The ChiefConstablehaa no desireto reetrictthosewho leavethe districtfor bona fide reaeone,but to leavethe districtfreque tlyand returnin the ear1yhoureof tha morningrenderean Officerunfitfor effectiveservice. .