Force Orders 1938_62 X pe GENERALORDERNo. 62 of 1938. I uedon 30th.Januery,1939• CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKSOF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. DESTRUCTION OF DOCUMENTS. (GeneralOrdera 1938) A11 rankewi11at once checktheir GeneralOrdets£or 1938. This GeneralOrdermuet be ineertedin the GenaralOrderf11e immediatelyafterNo. 61. o£ 1938.- the laet GeneralOrderissuedin 1938. To enablethie to We done thie GeneralOrderhas been numbered 62 of 1938,and wi11 aerveae a recordo£ the 1938 GeneralOrderewhich ehouldbe in possessionof the Officerconcerned. Inepectoreehouldchecktheir Sergeante'fileeand 5ergeanta ahouldchecktheirConetablea'f léaaridaatiefythemselvesthat they are in poeeeseionof a11 GeneralOrdereorderedto be kept and that those orderedto be extractedand deetroyedhave been eo dealtwith. Any deficiencieemust be made goodby the man concerned. When this checkhae been carriedout and the Inspectoror Sergeantconcernedie satisfieda11 deficiencieehave beenmade goodthe statementat the end o£ this Orderwi11 be signed. Exceptat Headquartersand DivieionalHeadquartersOffices,where a11 fileemust be complete,the followingGeneralOrderefor 1938 wi11 be extractedand destroyedforthwith:- GENERALORDERSFOR 1938 TO BE DESTROYED. Noe. 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 49, 57,58,and 60. GENERALORDERSFOR 1938TO BE PRESERVED. No. 1. Award of KingePo11ceMeda1to AssistantChiefConetable. No. 2. Subaequentdetectionc£ undetectedcrimeInformat onoY eame and resultof caseto be givento aggrievedpereon. No. 3. Gratuitiee. No. 5. CriminalRouteMap (andSupplemente1 and 2.). No. 6. Circulationof I formation,SerioueCrime,Loee of Life, EscapedPrisoners. -1- No. 7. Education- Lecturee. No. 8. Repaire,Deporatione&c. to CountyProperty. No.11. AliensOrder. C.I.D.ParadeBooks. AlieneOrder. Beat Report- Aliens. Beat Reports- Premiseson whichsafesare képt. (To be kept at Divieionaland StationOfficeeon1y.) DangerousDrugs - Chemiete'Registers. (To be kept at Divisional Headquartereand Inepectore'Stationeon1y.) Accidentsto CountyOwnedMotorVehicles.(Circulatedto a11 Drivers o£ CountyOwnedVehiclee,MotorPatrole,VÍirelessVan Drivera, C.I.D.and others.) Bookaand Documentein poseeeeiono£ everyman. Responsibility£or a periodicalInepectlon(andsupplements1, 2, and 3.) Inapectionof Booksand Documents. Beat Reports(Circulatedto DivisionalHeadquartersaiidStation Officeeon1y.) Recordof Lock-uppremises(C3rculatedto DivieionalHeadqu rtere and stationOfficeeon1y.) Air4RaidPrecautionsFi1e. (To be kept at DivieionalHeadquartere and StationOfficeeon1y.) Air RaidPrecautionaCirculars. ProbationOfficere. Attendanceat Assizesand QuarterSeeeions. (Circulatedto 5uperintendente,In pectore,and Sergeanteon1y.) Probationof Offenders- Bréachof Recognizance. (Circulatedto Superintendente,In pectorsand sergeantson1y.) No.43. Lectureeby Conetableswho have attendedCoureeeof I struction. No.47:-ProbationaryConstablee- Not to own, hire or drivemotorvehiclee. No.48. Hiringof Motor care. Fa1ee Entries. . MedicalExaminationof Prieonera. No.52..Cuideto Actionon receiptof Reportof Crime. No.53. Drivereof MotorVehicleeeufferingfrom illneee. No.$4. ProbationaryConatablee- Educationaltraining. LadderBurglariee. Regulationo£ Trafficand aesietanceto Pedestrianscroeeing the Road. No.$9.'InetructionalMemorandaNo.15.- ChiefConstable'eMonthlyMemoranda (1939Series)on Svidence. -2- (1) Divieionalsuperintendent'sOrders.(2) 8tationOfficeFiling. Deetructionof Documents(GeneralOrdere 1938.) • • The followingstatementwi11b e completedafter comp .a ce with the aboveOrder :- GeneralOrderNo. 62. o£ 1938 compliedwith on (date) signature. Examlned (date). (slgnature). A 8I TANT CH1EF CONSTABLE ! . 39 E tD OF GENERAI, O DEAS 1938.