Force Orders 1938_56 X CIRCULATEDTO ALL BLIEB OF THE CHESHIRE CONSTABUL9RY. No. 56 19thDecember,1936. REGULATIONOF TRAFFICAND ASSISTANCETO PEDESTRIANS CROSSINGYHE ROAD Tha otherday a 1ittlegirl was killedin an accidentin the vioinityof a PedestrianCrossingwhere a Constablewas on duty,standing on the Footpath. The Constablegava signalsto trafficfrom the footpath. This ie entirelywrong. A Constablecannotregulatetraffic efficientlyfrom the footpath. He must do so from the centreof the road. Se t onalOfficerswi11 see that a11 their Constablesundersta dand omplywith this ru1e. A Constableon duty at a PedestrianCrossingis therenot on1y to enaurethat the driversof vehiclesreepectthe crossing,but that pedestrians use 1t correctly. I£ a numberof peoplewish to cross,'..theConstableshouldproceed . intothe middleoP the road and hold up trafficuntilthe pedestriansare safely ac ro ss . Childrearequireepecialvigilance.Young childreashould alwaysbe conductedover the orossingby the Constable,who beforecommencing to cross,shouldsatisfyhimselfthat the time is opportuneto go over. If thereare a aumberof children,the Constablesho ldproceedto the centréof the road and holdup trafficwhilsttho childrengo over. It is £ar saferto hold up trafficin both directionsthan to run the slightestrisk,aad it is oaly by vigilanceaad the givingof proper signalsin time for vahiclesto pu11 up, that completeconfidencein Pedestrian Crossingscan be ensured. In the samemannera Constablewho observeschildrenor adults desirousof crossingthe roadwhere thereis no PedestrianCrossingin the vicinity . ehouldeitherconduotthe pedestriansacrossor hold up trafficto aaabltethem to cross ia safety. p.QNST `. r