Force Orders 1938_52 X C2RCULATEDTO ALL RANS5 No. 52. OF THE CHESBIRECON TABULARY. 15thDecember,19o8. GIIIDETO ACTIONON RECEIPTOF REPORTOF CRIME. A foldercontainingthe a o e ia being issuedto every Member of the Force. Thia folderwi11 alwaysbe carriedwith the Diary Note-Book.kenioyOfficerswi11 inspectthe folderat the eametime as the DiaryNote-Book.Theywi11 also aek their kubordinatesto producethis fo1derat unexpectedtimes 5o as to ensurethe folder1e beingcarried. The folderis in additionto the Chartissuedwith CircularMemorandumNo. 86 of 1938. The followingwill be addedafterthe last line o£ the MiecellaneoueSectionof SupplementNo. 2. of GeneralOrder No. 28. of 1938 .- "Folde containingGuideto Action on Receipt of Reportof Crime"( G.O. 52/1938). '-- \'\ , " _..:.__ ti... ! /( z.3 ,; ,