Force Orders 1938_51 X I o. 51. 3rd December,1938. CIRCi .ATED TO ALL RANSS OF THE CHFSHIRECONSTéEULARY. MED2CALE AMINAT20NOF PRISONERS. Paragraph1 of StaadingOrder127 directsthat .- "bfficersin chargeo£ Lock-upswi11 use theirdlacretion in callingin a Doctorwhenevernecessaryto examinea Prisoner, andwhen a Medioalexaminationof a Prisoneris requiredby the Police,the aearestMedicalPractitioner approvedby thé Police Authority,knownhereafteras PoliceSurgeon,wi11 bi called1n." In additionto the abovethe ChiefConstabledirectsthat whenevera Prisoaeris in custodywho has assaultedthe Police,or who may havebeenbodilyiajuredby the Policeor otherpersonia resistingarrest,orwho it is auepectedmay be bodilyinjuredin aayway by apprehensionor detentlon,the Offioerin chargeo£ the Statlonwi11 ca11in the PoliceBurgeonand requeethim to eaa i e the prieoaer. The Ch3efConstablewishesto ensurethataay peraon1n Po11cecustodyshallreceivemedicalatteationfor any injuryhe may have received,and alaothatao personwho has beenin custody canme.keunfoundedalleget onaof bodilyinjuryby the Police,at Court,or in Prieoa,or afterliberatlon. / i 4SO g * r \\ ,3. a•3 '- /. Ç/ s -.--