Force Orders 1938_47 X No. 47. 14th Iu'ovember,193$• C2RCULATEDTO ALL RANKS OF THE CHESHIRECONSTIBULARY. Recentlytwo probationershave been sentencedto threemonths imprisonmentfor assaultingtwo females,whom they pickedup in a car. Two otherprobationershave also indulgedin °guttercrawling8,and severalprobationers have met with accidentsin cars whilstbeing absentwithout 1eave. Such conducttarnishesthe fair reputationof the Force. From this date no probationeris allowedto hire, own or drive a motor car or motor bicycleunless authorised to do so by the Chief Constable,who wi11 grant approvalonly under exceptionalcircumstances. '41 y. r•3é'• e R