Force Orders 1938_43 X No. 43• 27th October1938. TO BE CIRCULATED TO ALL RAN 4 OF THE CHE3HIRECON3TAB LARY. LECTURE3BY CON3TABLE3ViHOHAVE ATTENDED • COUR3E3OF IN3T UCTION. Ia those Divisioasin which there are members of the Conètabularywho have attendedCoursesof Instru tionat Wakefield, Hendon,Etc.,Superintendentswill arrange that the Conatablewho has atteadedthe courae, irréspecti eof his rank,wi11 lectureto othermembersof the Divisionin which he ia stationed. Theselectureswi11 not be confinedto the members of his 3ection,but 3uperintendentswill arraagethat he wi11 givelectures to a11 3ergeant''s Commandsin the Division. Thesalecturesmay be givento a 3ergeant'sComma d in place of the usualkergeants lecture,but the Sergeantof the Canmandwill be presentat the leoture. The lecturewi11 be confinedto thoee subjectson which the Constablegivingthe lecturehas received nstract onwhilst attending the In tructionalCourse. In Divisioaswheremore than one Constablehas attendedthe seme or a similarcourse of instruction,kuperintendentswi11 arrange that each Constablewi11 be given an opportunityof le tu g, care being takenthat subjectsere not duplicated. The ChiefConstableis of the opinionthat if the lectures ere given and received the rightspirit,much valuable instruction 1. 5heet2. wi11 be receivedby thoseattending,and the persongivingt}ielecture wi11 not on1y refreshhis memory,but acquirethe art of lacturingand .answeringquestionson the subjectswhich oughtto be askedof him. •