Force Orders 1938_41 X No. 41. 25th October,1938•, TO BE CIRCULATED TO ALL RANKSOF THE CHESHIRECONSTABIILARY. The followingis an Extractfromthe ChiefConstable's Reportto the 8tandingJointCommitteeheld on 22ndOctober,1938 :- "2 wish to placeon permanentrecord,and also "to bring to the noticeof the Standing Joint "Committee,the valuableservicesrendered by "the CheshireConstabularyduringthe recent "Nationalcrisis. "Divisionalsuperintendents organisedthe assembly "and distributionof Gas Masks,and made the frame- "workof the Air Raid WardenOrganisation. "The sergeantInstructorsand theirassistants "showeduntiringzea1. "SeniorOfficerson my Headqu rtersStaffefficient- "1y took chargeof such importantAir Raid Precaut- "ionsDepartmentsas ObservationPosts, sirens, "Ambulancesand TransportDuties,InformationBureau, "a d CondensingOrders. "Nothingcouldhave excelledthe devotionto dutyarid "zea1shownby a11 clericalstaffswhetherPoliceor "civilianmen or women. "Necessarilythe heaviestresponsibilities and duties "fellon InspectorTay1or,who was in chargeof the "A.R.P.Departmentat Headquarters,'thiOsfficer's "untiringzea1,powersof rg isatioann,d quick "decisionswere of untoldva1ue. "I ispector Tay1orwas ably,supportedby his Assistant, "2nspectorCrosby. "Necessariljra,s ChiefConstable,I had to shouldera "heavyburdenof fesp nsib lity; thatburdenwas "lessenedby the knowledgethatbehindme and withme "was ëverymemberof the CheshireConstabulary,zeal- "ouslyand efficientlycarryingout theirduties, "n vel in man y cases, but invariably performed "efficiently."