Force Orders 1938_39 X No. 39. 17thOctober,1938. C2RCUL•,ATTEODDIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERSaridSTATIONOFF2CES. UALIFYINGEXAM2NATIONFOR PROMOTIONTO THE RANK OF INSPECTOR. . The followingSergeantswhosecamesappearhereunderin alphabeticalordeywere successfulin passingthe qualifying examinationfor promotionto the rank of Inspector,whichwas held on 3rd September,1938 .- . Nó. 424 R. BROWN. No. 434 J.L. HORABIN. No. 217 J. BROWN. No. 439 A. HUGHES. No. 207 W. CARTWRIGHT.No. 177 . HUNT. No. 523 J.E. COUCHMAN. No.525 .L.&IORGAN. No. 284 F.C. DODD. No. 385 J. PAYNTER. No. 351.F: FOLEY. No. 1$ J.G. ROB2SON. No. 365 s.D.HAWKINS. No. 515W. ROGERS. No. 325 E.J. HELSBY. No. 63 P.J. TWEED. No. 310 w.0 . WOODCOCK. 2n accordancewith Regulation31 of the PoliceRegulations1920, a recordof suchpassingwi11be made in the records of thoseconcerned. A11 othercandidateswho presentedthemselvesfailedin this examination. An entryto thiseffectwi11be made in their recordsin accordancewith the PoliceRegulations.A11 those who failedare ineligibleto sit for anotherpromotionexaminat on for twelvemonthsafterthe date of thisexamination. Thosewho havepassedthe examinationmust not relax theireffortsto maintainand increasetheirknowledge. 0 . v .... `7•/U• 1