Force Orders 1938_37 X No. 37. 5th October, 1938. CIRCULATSDTO SUPERINTENDENTS, 2NSPECTORSAND SEROEANTSONLY. PR09ATIONOFFICERS. ATTENDANCEAT ASSIZESAND QUART*'2 SF;5ION5. In consequenceo£ the repeatedrequestsmadeby Judges at Asaizes,and the Chairmanat QuarterSessionsfor tho a'ttendance of ProbstionOfficers,I wish Superintendenttso causethe 1oca1 ProbationOfficerto be informedwhenevera caseis coiIDS3ttfoodr trialto Assizesor Quarterkessions,whetherthe casewi11 be tried withinthe Countyor elsewhere. The ProbationOfficerwi11 be informedo£ the committal by the 0£ficerin chargeof the case,who wi11 reportto the Chief Constablethatthe ProbationOfficerhas been informed. It r tbe understoodthatthe ProbationOfficermust not be warned to attend the Court but only informed of the committal. ' Whetherhe attendethe Courtor not,ie not matterfor the Police,butthe Officerin the case u tbe in a positionto informthe Courtthat the ProbationOfficerhas beeninformedof the ca ittal. T/&'Tf'L. Chief Constableo£ Cheshira.