Force Orders 1938_36 X No. $6 3rd Ootober,1938. TO BE CIRCIII TEDTO ALL RA.NEBOF THE CHESHIRECONSIABUIARY. The ChiefCcastablewishesto thaak a11 rankafor thei.ruabirlagand officienthelp duringthe Nationalcrisis. Ois warm thanksgoes out to Superiateadenteof Divisionsfox'the eblemanner' nhioh they orga.nisedthe aesembly nnd distributioao£ gas naske. Theywill have left a lasting memorialof theirwork in theAid Baid Wardenorganisation,the frameworkoP whi&h.ihey eo ably formed,and towardsthe efficiency of wliichthey have playedaad will coatiaueto play eo importanta part• The SergeantInstructorsaad their assistantsshowed untlrlagzeal and throughoutthe Couatyearnedfor themselves a reputatlonoP whichthey can justlybe proud. It y! t encouragingto the ChiefConstableto aoticehow the Head-quartersstaffso quicklyand efficientlyoould directtheir energiesto otherapheresaad competentlytake charg®o£ suoh importantorgaalsationeae Observ'ationPoats,5irene,Am u]aaoea, Transpoxtdutiea,InformationBureauanflcondemeingof ordersreoeived. Nothingoouldhave excelledthe devotionto duty end zeal sham by the Head-quarteraataffaad ol ilianclerks,meo aad womea. Necessarilythe heaviestresponsibilitiesand duties fe11 on Inspectorigylorin chargeoP the Air Raid PreaautionsDepartitentat Head-qua t aythia Offioer•suntiringzea1,powersoY organisation,aad quiokdecisionswere of untoldvalueto the Chief Consiable. Ia a11 hia ork InspectorTaylorwas ab1y supportedby his AssistantInspectorCrosby,and the da11y contaaewhichthe Chief Constablehad with theee Officersaad the ability,®aergy aad efficiencywhichthey shooedthroughoutthe orielawere oP incalculable valueto the ChiefConstable• The miergy,zeal and devotionto duty ho by a11 Offlceraand C3vi13aaClerksia the Air Raid Precautloas Departmentwas most praiseworthy. Duringthis crisisthe ChiefConstablenecessarilyhad to shouldera heavyburdenoP responsibility- that burden was lessenedby the kaardedg®that behiadhim and with h3m va every mamberof the CheshireCoa t ula y,zealouslyand efficieatlycarrying outtheir duties,novelin moay cases,but invariablyperformed efficiently. The ChiefConstableknovrsthat the CheshireConetabulary has earnedfor itselfduringthis crisisan enhanoedreputationand he thaakaoae a,ada11 for the3r splendidaad in'valuablesupport.