Force Orders 1938_34 X No. 34. 10th keptember,1938. CIRCU7AT€DTO ALL RA7i%SOF rHE CHESHIRECOBkTABULLVY. AIR RAID FRBCBU00 N3 CIRCULiRS. Ia futureA1 Raid PreoaucionaCIrcularawill be lseued a®paratelyfrom o dt a yCiroulerMemo aadabut oa the same 11neeae the CiroularMemornnda,that 1a theywill be aumberedooaseoutlaely throughoutbhe year av).the excentof theiroirou]ationwill be ladioatadin them. In oonsequenoeoP thisissue aa additioaalfoldermuat ba in poaseasionof everyman, oho 1a not reaponalblefor a 5 atloaOffice filiagsystem,ead a new tile musc be added'coa11 filiagsystems»1ncludingHeadquartersand. DivisionalReadquartersOffloes. At Stat3oaOff4oes hichhave a card indexsystemthe follow- 1ng aardani11 be 1aee ced:- In the filesaardeat the om nenoemeatof the indexcards laserta oardheaded"FIL£sS- BECTIONA.13" On thia oard will be wricten-"Air Raid PrecautionsC1rau1ers". ihe correct place for this card is imoel.atelyafter the onrd "FIIES- A. 12" ( eferredto 1a GeaeralOrderNo. 33/1938). . In the indexcardsproperia he "AirRa1d PrecautionsCerd"ehouldbe written"A1XRaid PrecautionsCjrculars•..A.15". Aay futurereferenoesto the A1r Ra1d PreoautioaeCirculera for lndexingpurposeew111 thereforebe "A.13"in the eamevy aa General Ordersere referredto aa Headquartersand Divisional0£fioeawill a11ottheir own 01e numbers. A11 rauks'wiflmake the followingadditionco kupplenantNo.1 No• 34 106h September,1938. (2) to GeneralOrderAo. 65 of 1936by addingafter"A. 12 ...Air Ra1d P eoe loaeFi1e",'he following- " .l3....Air Ra1d Precautiona Cir ulnre". A11 ranksai11 add to G®neralOrdarRo. 28,oP1938 a third eupplexoeaa(iaauedherewith)which la headed,"S pplomentNo. 3- 1 Raid P eo ioaeC1roulare". AL'