Force Orders 1938_33 X 10th keptenber,1938. CIRCULATETDOAI,LRA1W2 OFTHECHESHIRECONSTABULARY. AIR RAIDPRECAIITIOFNISLE. At every5tatioawhorethere1e a BeatReporta new f11e will be addedto the fllingsystem. Thisfilewill be aumbered"A 12". Headquartersand Divisionaleadquarters will a11ottheir own file number. The nay;fi1® "A 12".,1s to holdmattererelatingto the Air RaidPrecautlonsOrganisation. Itwill be on the eamelinesa the BeatReport. The pagee i11be headedand aumbered. Additionswill be made om iastruotions fromHeadquartere, aot otherwise. Ia due oouraeitwill aontaina reoordof euchmattersas Respiratorktores,Air RaidWardensand ObserverPosts. At StationOfficeswhichhavea card indexsystemthe followingcardswill be inserted: - Ia the filescardsat the co enoemeoaftthe indexcards inserta cardheaded:-. FILES - SECT20N"A.12". On this aardwill be written"AirRaidPrecautionsFi1e". 111ecorrectplaceforthis cardis inimediateaifyterthe presentcard "Files- SectioaA 11". Inthe indexcardproperau entrywill be me.deon the Air BaidPreceutionscardas follows:- "AirRaidPrecautionsFile A. 12. (1) A11 a 1a3wi11 make the followingadditionto Supplement Mo. 1 to GeneralOrderNo. 65 of 1936,by addingaFter "A 11. Lock-uppremises- Recordof ", the following,"A 12 - Air Raid Preoa'xtionsFi1e ". kergeantswi11 keepthe aew file oa the same linesa thos® laid down for the compositeHeat Eeportwith the additionalrequirement that Inspectorsin chargeoP Sub-Divislon wi11 keep a composite Air Raid Precautions£i1e for their kub-Divisionssub-dividedby S etionaas Sergeantscompositefileaare sub-dividedby Beate. DivisionalHeadquartarswi11 maintaina compositeDivieionalfile sub-dividedby kub-Divisions. (2)