Force Orders 1938_32 X No. 32. 27th August,1938. CIRCULATEDTO DIYI3IONAL REA QUARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. QUAL2FY2NGEKMIINI.TION FOR PROMOTIONTO THE RANK OF SERGEANT. The followingConstableswhose namesappearhereunderin alphabetical orderwere euccesafulin passingthe qualifyingexaminationfor promotionto the rank o£ Sergeant,whichwas held on 16th Ju1y,1938..- No. 208 J. E. Bairds.No. 203 J.Foxley.No. 509 L. A. Sea1e._ No. 421 G.Baker.No. 148 A. S. Francis.No. 236 S.Seed. No. 518W.Barker.No. 126 P.Frie11.No. 370 A. J. Sheen. No. 466 W.B1ud.No. 175 G.Narris.No. 472 T.Smith. No. 432 W. Boy1e. No. 7E. W. Rayea. No. 89W. N. Smith. No. 253 H. J. Broster. No. 359 W. E. Ik n. No. 270 S.Sawerby. No. 232 P. Capper. No. 295 A. H. Jones. No. 46F.Spann. No. 414 C. Cheers. No. 15$ L.Jones. . $18 W. T. Stockton. No. 335 A. J. Co1l aon. No. 394 W. A. Ke11y. No. 454 G.Thomas. No. 118 S. A. Cooke. No. 257 P. C. L1oyd. No. 78S. J. Thompson. No. 97L. Cooper. No. 101 J. E. Mason. No. 8C. W. Tushinghsm. No. 67A. Crump. No. 39T.lakes. No. 293 N.Wilding. No. 314 J. A. Duffy. No. 81W. H. S. Ri1ey. No. 415 J. E. Wood. No. 536 J. Fernyhough. No. 422 F. W. Roden. No. 529 S.Worth. 2n accordancewith Regulatlon31 oP the PoliceRegulations1920a recordof suoh passingwill be made in the recordsof those concerned. A11 othercandidateswho presentedthemselvesfailedin this examination.An entryto this effectwi11 be made in theirrecordsin accordancewith the Police Regulations. A11 thoeewho failedare ineligibleto sit for anotherp omot on. examinationfor 12 monthsafterthe date oP this exami.nation. Thosewho have pasaedthe e am3nationmust not relaxtheir effortsto maintain and increasetheir knowledge. •