Force Orders 1938_31 X / No. 31. CIRCULATEDTO D14 IONAL AND STATIONOFFICESONLY. 18thAugust1938. RECORDOF LOCK-UPPREMISES. At everystat3onwhere thera ie a Beat ReportI wish a record of a11 Lock-uppremisesto be kept ia the prescribadmanner. At Sergeants'Stationsa compositeRecordoY Lock-uppremises wi11 be kept on the same 13nesas laid daxn in GeneralOrder No. 30 dated 16thAugust,1938,for compositeBeatReports. Ä 1everarch file is beingissuedto a11 Stationswhere a compositerecordof lock-uppremisesi.erequiredto be kept aad the necessarypages•wi11be insertedin the fi1e. A smallerfolderie being issuedto Constables'Stationsaa the recordtherewi11 be smallerthan that at Sergeants'Stations. The work wi11 be pat in hand immediatelyemd must be completed by 29thAugust»1938..At most stationsa racordof lock-uppremisesis alreadykept aad compliancewith this GeneralOrdermerelymeansthat auch recordsare put on a properfooting. . 2t is imperativethat the recordsbe kept up to date. Inspectors( and in the case oY Broxtonand EddisburyDivisions the Superintendents)wi11 reportto me by firstpost on 1st September, 1938,that they have inspecteda11 compositeand 1oca1recordsof lockup premisesaad have satisfiedthemselvesthis GeneralOrderhas been compliedwith. The reoordwi11 be by streetsand/orroadsin alphabeticalorder for easy reference. Thoserespoasiblefor compilingthe recordare remindedthat as a duplicatesmust ba forarded to the SergeaatsOfficeoae typingwi11 sufficeif a carboncopy is made by the Constable. Thie additionalrecordwi11 necessitatethe additionof a new file to StationOfficefilingsystemsand wi11 be aumbered'"A. 11 ". At StationOfficeswhich have a card indexsystemthe following cardswi11 be inserted:- In the f11escardsat the cmonencementof the indexcards inserta cardheadedFILES - SECTION A. 11. 0n this card wi11 be written"Lock-upPremises- Recordof". The correctplacefor thie card is immediatelyaftarthe presentcard "Fi1es- SectionA. 10". In the. index cardspropara cardwi11 ba insertedin its correctalphabetical positionand wi11 be headed "LOCFb.UPPREMISES".The followingentrieswi11 be made in the body of the card .- "Recordof A. 11" and on tha next lina "Ru1esfor keeping.... A. 1/ 31 /38". A11 rankswi11 make the followingadditlonto SupplementMo. 1 to GeneralOrderNo. 65 o£,.1936by addingafter 'A.10 . . DivisionalOrders' the following :- 'A. 11 .... LOCK-UP PREMISES - RECORDOF'. -