Force Orders 1938_30 X 16thAuguet,1938. . ( CIRCUTATEDTO DIVISIONAL HEADQU RTERS& ST TIO OFFICES. BEAT REPORTS. 2 have issuedfor eachSergeant'sOfficea eet of blankBeatReportsand a set oP 1everarohfilesto hold such BeatReports. . The Sergeantresponsiblafor a Sergeant'sF111ng Systemx3.11at onoeiscueto eaohConstablerespons3bleforthe aaintenanoeof a BeatReportoae of theseblankBeatReporta xith iastructione to makea copyof hie BeatReporéa d to forwardeuchcopyto the,Sergeant. The Constable'sSergeant wi11 be responelblefor eeeingthe copy1a correct. The Sergeantresponsibleforthé kergeant'sOffioe F11iageystemwi11 3as®rtin the leverarohfilesprovided his own offlceoopy (already3u exlstence)aad the copiesoP the BeatReportsof the mea in the Sectioa. Eaohof theaeBeatReportsxi11 be'separated1n the Sergeant1s1everarch filesby the speclaldivid3ngboards issuedwiththe filee. On theeeboardsw311 be neatlytyped the name o£ the Beat.Reportbeneaththe particulardividit" board. . YPhenthie.has beef,donethe resultwillbe that at everySectionalHeadquarters there willbe a oompoeiteBeat Reportmadeup of the 5ergeaat'spreeeatcopy andduplicates of a11 BeatReportsia the Section. The listlseuedwith the1e e archfiles,which showsthe nameaof thé BeatReportsand the orderIn whichthey are £iledin the leveraroh fileswi11 be comple6edby the SergeantresponsibleForthe Sergeaat'sOfP1ceF11ingsystem. The ladexwillbe plaoedat the commancemeatoP the firstlever arohf11e,and so w111 serveas the 3adexto a11the Beat Reports1n the fil s. Reaponsibleofflcers v 11paydue attentlonto the correctnessandneatnessof all entries. The BeatReporthav3ngalreadybeen cardladexed at Sergeants',Stationaeo,furtherindexingwi11 be necessary exoept1a oonnectlonwith anyentriaerelatingto crlminals or suepeotedpersonswhenthe principles1e.1ddownto General OrderNo. 20 o£ 1937wi11 be followed. I wishthe work 1a oonneotlonr .ththis Gaaeral Ord®rto be completedwithoutdelayand 1n aqy ogseby 27th Auguet,1938. c . • 2. Inspectors(aad1a the caee of Broatonaad Eddlsbury Divisionsthe Superinteadents)will reportto me by flrstpost oa 1st September1938that they have lnepecteda11 oompoa3t® BeatReporteaad have satisfiedthemselvesthls GeneralCrder has beea complledwith. This GeneralCrdergiveseffectto the. eoo e latloa whichhave beea.madethat proflslonba made for caseswhere ow3ug to the absenceoP the residentConatablethe 1ooal.BeatReport vs not availablefor the Conetablevisitingthe Beat. 2 wish to reminda11 raaksthat the campositeBeatR®port wi11 enab1®thoee who study3t to acquire.a usefulknowledgenot oaly of the Beatwhich,they are working,but of the whole Sectlon. I have testedthe cripositeBeat Reportat oae section. I am atiafiedno difficultiesoan arise1n.,puttingthis Geaeral Orderinto operationwithoutdelay. As thie GemeralCrd®roaly applieeto Sectioaeaherethere aro Coaetablesresponsiblefor BeatReports1t will be fouadthat there are certaiaplaces,such aa A1trinohamToea,Timperleyead EdlestoaRoad, Crewe,whereao change3a.theexistingprocedure w111benecessary. ThoaeresponsibleYor the malatenaao®oP BeatReporteare remindedthat aa the Beat'Report1e a ste.ndard.reoordunderao c3roumstanoesmust aay new headingsbe added.toa BeatReport without w sanotion. If at eay tlme a membeyof the Foroe considersthat additloaalrarticu]arscaa usefullybe added to the BeatReport he shouldput forwardhis suggeatioa:to..meas a.suggestionfor effic3enoy in the .nner. 1a1d .dovra 1a w Ciroular Memorandum No. 72 of 1938. ' It wouldbe ooaeldereda d3eo1p1inaryoffeacePor a Beat Reportto•be inacourataor aot kept up to date. Sergeantsaow are 1n a poaltionto cheokup aad keep up to date the BeatReportsof those servingunderthem. . P