Force Orders 1938_29 X No. 29. 22ad Ju1y,1938. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANRS THECHESHIRE CONSTABUTARY. INSPECT20NOF BOOKSAND DOCU1dENTS. Onceeach Januaryand Ju1yevery Inspectorwi11 examineand checkthe booksand documentsof his Command. He wi11 also examineaad checkthe officefilingsystemsat irregularintervals.He wi11 pay specialattentionto the Beat Report. He wi11 eatisfyhimselfthat indexingof books aad othermattershas been properlydone. Ia Divie3onswhere there3s no Inspectorthis inspection will be carriedout by the Superintendent. . When a Sergeantohangesstation the Inspactorw111 satisfy himselfthat;the outgoingSergeantleaveseveryohing1a good orderand that everythingia handedoverto the iacomingSergeantin goodorder. A11 inspectionswill be recordedby the inepeotingOfficer in his d3arynote book. The Coastablewhosebooks or ordershave been exaniinedwill racordthe faot of such examinatlonin h1s Diaryaote-book. Th.isappliesnot on1yto the ordiaaryinspectionsbut to inspeotionsat othertimesalso and to inepectlonscarriedout when a man changesstations. Once eaahApr11 and OotobereverySergeantxi11 examineand checkthe booksand documentsof everymemberof his command. He will a1so examineand checkany filimgsystemsthere are in his Section. He wi11 pay epecialattentioato the BeatReports. He wi11 satisfÿhimselFthat everything has been properlyiadexed. Nlhena Coastablechangesstationsthe Sergeantwi11 satis£y hinselfthat the roanhas left everything1n good orderand that every hing is handedover in good orderto his successor. A11 iaepectione,recordsof handingover or takingover,wi11 be enteredby the Sergeantin his diarynote-book.The ma whosebooksand documentshave been examinedwi11 also recordthe fact in his diaryaotebook. 2£ a Constableleavesthe Force the Sergeant;to whosecommand ha beloagswi11 be held responsiblefor ensuringthe man'sbooks and documentsare collected,carefullyoheckedaad parcelledreadyfor return to the ClothingStores I will hold the_Inspé tor;responélb3efor any de£lcienclesor negligencein the maiatenanceof the StationOfficafilea or in the books and documentao£ his Sergeantsualesssuch deficienciesor negligenoeare broughtto my noticeby the Inspeotorconcerned. I wi11 hold the Sergeantresponsiblefor any deFicienciesor negligencein the maintenanceof Constable'sfilingsystemsor in the books or documentsof hia Constablesunlesssuch deficienciesor negligenceare broughtto my noticeby the 5ergeantcoaceraed. (2) Aa Inspectoror Sergeantwho isauesbooksor ordersto membersof his coam u d wi11 obtaiaa receiptforthem on !heformnow sentfromthe DivisionalOfficeand wi11 be held strictlyresponsible by me that everymemberof his Commandreceivesthe orders,or books to whlohhe is antitled. If sufficientcopiesare aot received applicationmustbe made immediatelyPorthe um e raqulred.At these inspectionsinspectingofficerswi11 definitelysatisfythem selvesthat thoseunderthemara in possessiono£ a11 books,Ordersetc.,issued sincethe dateof the lastinspection. ' I have tor sometimebeen cloaelyexamiaingthe systemof supervision,I am satisfiedtherehavebeencertainwealmesses,which this GeneralOrdershould'remove. I wieha11 ranksto whom InstructionaMlemorandumNo. 1$ has been issuedto re-readthatMemorandumas it laysdownthe princip sof Supervlsion. Superiatendentasnd Inspectorsor Sergeantsmay continue to irakeany inspectionsotherthan thosementionedin this General Orderwhichappearto themto be necessaryor desirable. The supplemento GeneralOrderNo. 65 of 1936can be usedto checkthe contentsof officefilingsystems. The supplemen o GeneralOrderNo. 28 of 1938canbe used uo checkthe booksand documentsof thosewho are not responsible for filingsystems. I havearrangedfor instructioato be givenin themaaner of carryingouttheseperiodicalchecksso that no time is wasted.