Force Orders 1938_28 X No. 28. 22nd Ju1y, 1938. C2RCULATEDTO ALL RARKEOF THE CHESHIRE CONSTABULARY. BlIEB AND DOCUMENTBIN POSSESSICN OF EVERY MAN. RESPONSIB :ITYFOR A PERIOD2CAL INSPECTION. In the same way as General Order No. 65 of 1936 deals wäth the system of keeping the books aad documents k the Station OfPice f iész.thisGeneralOrder deals with the method of keep5ng books and documents by such members of the Force ae are not responsible for Station Offices. The supplementsto this Generaf Order provide an inventory of the books and documentswhich must be in possessionof every man. A11 ranks wi11 neatly number each of the items mentioned i.nSupplementNo. 2 with the number given in the third column - e.g., Bye-lawswill be numbered in the top right hand corner "A. 9(3)". Before the issue of this General Order, no list showingwhat Orders and books each man shou}d have in his possesiionwas in existenceaud, as a result, a proper check was not possible. From now onwards this difficultywi11 not arise and each man wi11 koow what books must be in his possession. Failure to report any deficiencieswill be treated as neglect of duty. The system of inspectionto be adopted is e xplained in General Order No. 29 of 1938, and personal instructionwi11 be given to those whose duty it is to carry out such inspe tions. In the opinion of the Chief Constable it wi11 not be necessary to examine every Order. From his experimentsin carrying out effective checks the Chief Constable is satisfied that an inspectionof the books and documents of a command can be carried out in less than half an hour. The Chief Constablewishes it to be c1eerly understoodthat no excuse can be accepted for any deficiencies in the future, end every man must clearly understandthat he is responsibleYor the correctness and good order o£ his booké and doouments in the s ame way as he is responsiblefor the correctnessand good order of his uniform. No additions deletionswi11 be made to the Supplementsto this General Order except on instructionsfrom Headquarters. A11 books, Orders or files not mentioned in these Supplements wi11 be returned to Headquarterswithout delay - a list being preparedby each Division setting out what,is beinga=G CONg