Force Orders 1938_26 X No. 26. 9th Ju1y, 1938. CIRCUTATEDTO D1VI520NAL . HEADQUARTERS AND STdTION OFFICES. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 N S. The followingOPf1oer_ is promotedto the raakoP Inspector£romthe 14thJu1y,1938,at 82& per annum o- No. 117DetectiveSergeantHoratioJohnBENTLEY,Wirral Division. The fo11ow1agOffioer1a promotedto the rankof Deteotiaekergeaattromthe 14thJu1y,1938,at £5. 0. Od. pe week :- No. 40 DeteotiveAat3ngSargeantGeorgeJohnI11es1eyROCK, WirralDieision. •CONS / e , - ...... ) * - ! (6- G