Force Orders 1938_24 X No. 24. 7th Ju1y,1938.' CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONALBEADQUARTERS and INSPECTORS' STATIONSONLY. DANGEROUSDRUGS- CHEL STB' REGISTERs. Once eaohquartera11 chemists' registerswi11 be inepected by Inspectorsand Divisionswhere thereare no Inspectorsby the Superintendent. A registershrnv ngthe chemists in his areaw111 be kept by éach Inspector,and by the Superintendentin Divisionswherethere is no 2nspector. In placeslikeAltrinchamand Crewe where there are more Inspectorsthan one, one registerwi11 be sufficient. A eeparatepagewi11 be kept for each chemist. The r ecord . wi11 show (1)the name o£ the chemistand the addressat ‚ ichthe business is oarriedon, (2) the date of each inspection,(3) the name of tha officerby whom carriedout, (4) any necessaryoomments. 2nspectingOfficerswi11 inter in theirnote-booksthe t9me and dato of their inspectionsand any notesabout such inepections. InspectingOfficerswi11 be guidedby the principleslaid down in my Instruotional Memoranduni No. 14 dated 7th Ju1y, 1938. The attent3onof InspectingOfficersie drawn to page 15 of the Beat Report- list of chemists. Opportunityshouldbe takenfrira t e to ti!oe to checkthe registerwith the Beat Reports.