Force Orders 1938_21 X No. 21. 29th June,1938. CIRCULATEDTO ALL. 2OF THE CHESHIRECONSTAHULARY. STATIONOFFICEFILING.' List of PettySessionalDivisions. With referanceto the bookletcontaininga listof PettySessional Divisionswith names,populationand acreageof parishes&c., issuedto a11 DivisionalOfficesand StationOfficesunderMemoranduuto Superintendents No. 98 of 1938;thisbookletwi11 be filedat a11 StationOf£icesin box file No.A. 8. Itwi11 be numberedA. 8(7). A11 rankswi11 neatlyadd to SupplementNo. 1 of GeneralOrder No. 65 of 1936afterA. 8(6)the £ollaving :- ° A. 8(7): Liet of PettysessionalDivisions." At Stationswherecard indexsystemsare in operationthoeein chargewi11 take stepsto adequatelyindexthisbooklet. Carewi11 be takento add thisbookletand the numberallottedto it to the 'A.8.' cardat the beginningofthe card indexeystem. Responeibleofficersat theirnext inspectionwi11 satisfythemselvesthatthis orderhas beencarriedoutby a11 ranks. boxe OfficeMemorandumon FirearmsAct, 1937. A copyof the aboveMemorandumis beingissuedto eachDivisional Officeand to eachStationOfficein the County. ThisMemorandumshouldbe studiedby a11 ranksand referredto when necessary. It wi11 be filedat a11 StationOfficesin box file No.A.B. It will.benumberedA. 8(8). A11 rankswi11 neatlyadd to SupplementNo. 1 of GeneralOrder No. 65 o 1936afterA. 8(7)the followiag .- " A. 8(8): Home OfficaMemorandumon FirearmsAot, 1937." At stationswherecard5 de eystemsare 1n operationthosein chargewi11 take stepsto adequatelyindexthisMemorandum. Carewi11 be takento add thisMemorandumand the numberallottedto it to the 'A.8' oe.rdat the beginningof the cardindexsystem. ResponsibleOfficersat theirnext inspectionwi11 satisfythemselves thatthis orderhas beencarriedout by a11 ranks. Headquartersand DivisionalOfficeswi11 fileboth ofthe above in accordancewiththeirown systemandwi11 indextheáemattersin the uaual way. h . bsI q 6. , t , AssistantChiefConstable.