Force Orders 1938_18 X TO BE C1RCU8 TED TO ALL RANtS &` THE CIESIIRECONS U8RY. 28th P y, 1938. BEAT REPORTS. Eromiseson which sa£esare lcept. Particularsrelating to premiseson c@ chsafes are kept will be recorded in the Beat ßeports. Pages for this purpose for insertionin a11 Beat Reports are being issued to tl.ose cor.corned. At DivisionalOffices and Station O£fices which have card ir.dexsystem a card wi11 be insertedbearingthe heading, 'Safes.Fremisesat whichkept'. DivisionalOfficesw111 use their own coda number for the Beat Reporc. The code numberfor the Beat Report filed at Stations is A.6/ so tY.atthe reference number 'cosafes 'd11 be A.6/87. Ei'itries on the sheets 'dli be entered by Streets and/or Roads in alphabeticalorder for easy reference. The followingaddition will bo nude to the index at the back of the Beat Report: Gfter 'Rura1Disc c Council and Clerk' and before 'saleyards',insertSa£es. 87. Superi i:endea s wi11 report to the Chief Constableby flrst post on 1st u1y, 1938, that he above instructionshave been carriedout, and that a11 Beat Reports have been brought up to date to comply wich those ios'cruc'c±oos. ..