Force Orders 1938_17 X No. 17. 27th áy, 1938. CIRCULATEDTO AIL RANKS OF TOE CRES IRE COHSTAI UI RY. RecentlyI had occasionto checkup the aliens 3n the Countyand was very disappointedto find that GeneralOrderNo. 53 of tha 29th Ju1y,1936,which dealawith SeatReportshad not been compliedwith. The Beat Reportis a most va1uabledocument,but it caasesto be of va1ue,in factbecomeea dangerif it is not oorrect in everydetail. GeneralOrder No. 53 lays downquite clearly-"It is essentialthat the informationis kept up to date, changesas they occuror come to the noticeo£ the Constableconcernedwi11 be neatly made. The Officerresponsible£or keepingthe beat reportup to date wi11 be the residentConstablein a ruralbeat,and in towns the Sergeant,or wherethereare more than one Sergeantthe seniorSergeant." ThisGeneralOrderalso laye down that -"0n 1st January and 1st Ju1y each year,Sergeantswi11 reportto their Superintendents thatthey have inspectedthe beatraportso£ theirreepectivecoffinaada at leastonce a monthand are satiafieda11 baat reports are 1rpt up to date. The date of suchmonthlyinspeotionswi11 be recorded by the Sergeantsin their Thiswi11 avoidkeepingseperate records." "Thereis nothingto preventbeat reportsof the whole sectionbeing examinedat the samet1me,fir instanceat a sectional lecture,or whilemen are aesembledfor pay or dri11. Sergeants, { No. 27th iay,1938. - 2 - no doubt,wi11 make arrangementsmost euitableto theanselves." If these instructianshad been compliedwith then the beat reportswouldhave recordedaccuratelythe alienson eachbeat, unfortunatelythese instructionswere not carriedoutwith the result that tha recordof alienswas moet imperfectand untrustworthy. The ChiefConstablewishes Superintendenteto lake an earlyopportunityof readingthis GeneralOrderto a11 ranks 3n their Division,and impressingupon themthe necessityof etudyingGeneral OrderNo. 53 of 29th Ju1y,1936,and complyingwith it. The ChiefConstablewould lookupon failureto carry out the instructionslaid down in GeneralOrderNo. 53 aa a matter that couldoi1y be dealtwith on a DisciplinaryReport. He attachesgreatimportanceto the SeatReportbeingaccuratelyl pt up to date.