Force Orders 1938_16 X No. 16. 19th May, 1938. CIRCIII,e1TEDTO ALL RANRS OF TAE CRFSHIBECONkTABULARY. ALIhNS ORDER. As a resultof the recentchecko£ the aliensin the County,aa directedby the Chief Constablein GeneralOrderNo. 11/36,it was foundthat 54 alienswhb were shown in the recorde as beingresidentin the County,had eitherdied,left the Couatryor ranovedto anotherdistrict. - It ie evidentthat the monthlycheckof alienehas . not been carriedout, and the ChiefConstabledlrectsthat it wi11 not now be ooatinued. , As laid dawn 1a GeneralOrderNo. 11/36,a11 aliens, aad/orpersonawith whom they resideor are employed,shouldhave naw been 3n£onmedthat the ChiefConstabledoes aot wi h to coatinuea monthlyvisit by the Police,and that it wi11 be sufficient if the a11ea,or hiä or her employerforwardaa letteror postcard tb the Superintendeätof the Divisionon the let o£ eachquarter, i.e. January,Apri1,Jilyaad October,statingbrieflythat the alien ia'stillat the registerédaddressand theseinstructions wi11 be carriedout wlth respectto a11 aliensregisteringa£ter the date of this Order. If the alien or his or her employerfailsto report by the 7th o£•thefirstmoath of the quarter,the Superintendeat wi11 direct uni£ormConstableto visit the addressto ascertain whetherthe alieaia eti11there,and if found,then the Constable wi11 remindthém that a reportby letterwould have preventedthe personalvisit. 2f any alien is foundto have lefb the address,for a continuousperiodeaceedingTHREEWONTHS,withoutreportingto the Police,the particularawi11 be reportedto the ChiefConatable, to considerwhetherproceedingsehouldbe takenaga3natthe pereon with ' 'h the alienwae lodgingor liviagas a member of the houeeho1d, in aoéordancewlth Article3, Part 2, of the AliensOrder1920. Sergeantsand'Constableswho have BeatReportaas laid ' down 3n GeneralOrderNo. 53/36wi11 be reeponeiblethat the lists of alienson the respectiveBeatRaportsare oorrect. Assistancein this caa be givenby DivieionalO£fice Clerkswhen they receivethe lettersfrom the aliensor their employers,and alaowhen freshaliensare registeredor when alieaa who have previouslybeen reglateredand who have 1e£t the dietrict returatc the dlstrictand reportthemselvesfor re-regiatration. On the 10th of the firstmonth of each quarter,8ergeante aad Constableswho have BeatReporbewi11 reportto their5uperinteadeatsthat'allaliensresidenton their Beat are ehawaon the BeatReport,and that those alienswho have praviouelybeen on the Beat Report,and havi eitherreportedtheir departure,or have been foundto have leftwithoutréport ngtheir departure have been deletedfrom the BeatReport. . 0n the 14th o£ the firstmonth of eachquarter,Superiatendentswi11 reportto the ChiefCo stablethat the listaof Alieasin the BeatReportsare correct.