Force Orders 1938_14 X No. 14. t 13thApri1,1938. C2P,CULITED TO DIVIBIONAL HEADQUARTERSAND STATION OFFICES . PR O O T I ON S. The followingOfficeris promotedto the rank of Sergeantfromthe 1st L$y, 1938,at £5. 0. Od. p r woek :- No. 35$ ActingSergeantHerberbNORTON,A1t i ham Divisiott. The followingOfficeris promotedto the rank of PaidActing sergeantfrom the 1st May, 1938,at £4.17.6d. per week :- No. 59 ConstableRobertAmos MIWiIAY,WirralDivision. (. <