Force Orders 1938_11 X No. 11. 4th Apri1, 1938. , CIRC IATED TO ALL RAN S ( T}it CEEkIIRE CONSTABUL9RY. A L I E N S 0 R D E R. The Chief Constablehas observedthat the supervisionof Aliens residentin the County is uttsatisfactory, aad numerous cases have occurredwhere Aliens have left the County without reporting their departure,and some considerabletime has elapeedbe£ore the departureof the A1ien has come to the Imowledgeof the Police. • The Chief Constableis of the opinionthat the monthly visit by Police Officersto the registeredaddress of a11 Aliene in the County has not beea oarried out, and further,that such monthly visits entailextra duty aad also tend to give cauae for complaintby Aliens and personswith whom they reside, or are employed. Tha Chief Constablehas forwardedto Divisionsa complete list oP Alieas residing in eaoh Division,as shown in the Aliens Registerat Headquarters,and he directsthat each addresswi11 be visited by a Sergeantor Constablein plais clothes,to ascertain whether the A1ien(s) is sti11 at the address given. I£ fouad at the address the Alien, or his or her employer, if the Alien is employedat the registeredaddress,wi11 be informed that the Chief Constabledoes not want to coatinuea monthly visit to the address,and that it wi11 be sufficientif the A1iea or his or her employerforwardsa letter or post card to the Superintendéht of the Division,on the 1st o£ each quarter, i.e. January,Apri1, Ju1y, October,statingbriefly that the A1ien is sti11 at the registeredaddress. At che time of the visit the A1ien, or his or her employer should be remindedof the obligationto report the departureof the A1iea to another address,and any change oP address, except a temporarychange for less than three months, and that in the event of the letter or post card not being recei.ved,the Policewi11 be compelledto verify the residenceof the A1ien by a personalvisit. Iiifuture,Aliens presentingthemselvesfor Registrationin the County,wi11 be told by the RegistrationOfficerof his Obligation to report his or her departurepersonallyat the RegistrationOffioe, and that a letter or post card quarberlywi11 obviatea visit by the Police to the addresa. Cases have occurrsdwhen Aliens are Registered in the County, who have been previouslyregistered,and the Chief Constable directsthat whenever an A1iea presentshimself for registration,the Registrat3onOfficerwi11 A5K the A1ien whether he has been in the United Kingdom before, if he has it wi11 not be necessaryto issue him with a new RegistrationCertificate. See Paragraphs14 aid 21 (o£ the A13ens Order, 1920) Police Handbook, 4th Edition. 1Yhenapplicationis deto the Aliens Departmentat Headquartersfor the oard A.R.1., of any A1ien present3nghimself £or Registration,who has previouslybeen Registered in the County, the applicatioawi11 state clearly the Registration number o£ the Alians Certificate,and so prevent confusioawhen thare may be two or more Aliens of the same name and Nationality in the Register at Headquarters. . The practice o£ f•iLLing in the particulars oP Aliens on the A.R.1., cards by hand writing wi11 be discontinued,and in future the particularson these cards wi11 be fillad in on a type ritér. 1'hisduty must be carried out discreetlyand expeditiously. The result of these enquiries and the list of Aliens must be returned co Headquartersby the 1st 1ay, 1938.