Force Orders 1938_10 X No. 10. 1at. April 1 938• CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. QUALIFYINGE%AMLNATIONFOR PROWOTIONTO THE RANK OF BBRGEIVT. The followingCoaetableewhosenamesappearhereunderin alphabeticalorder were successfulin passingthe qualifyingexaminationfor promotionto the rank of Sergeant,whichwas held on 26th.February1938 :— No. 85J. H. A11man. No. 44 T. S. E1win. No. 159 D. E. Powe11.. No. 151 G. A. Aehley. No. 119 J. H. Foster. No. 214 S.Pickering. No. 155C. J. Bartley. No. 503 J. Gregory. No. 162 A.Roden. No. 49T. H. Bayley. No. 437 Hammond. No. 426 J. R. Shuker. No. 416 G. L. Bleaedale. No. 106 J. B. Jardine. No. 225 C.Robineon. No. 45W. Burg eer No. 19 Johnson. No. 520 J.Weaver. No: 383 E. Burrowe. No. 350 W. Uarsden. No. 271 C. E. We1ch. No. 402 G. S. Clayton. No. 428 G. E. Parker. No. 371 T.White. I accordancewithRegulation31 of the PoliceRegulations1920a recordoY ouch paeeiagwi11 be made ia the recordsof thoeeconderned. A11 othercandidateewho preeentedthemselvesfailedin thie examination.An entryto thie effectwi11 be made in the recordeia accordancewith the Police Regulations. A11 thoe®who failedare ineligibleto eit for anotherproIiotion examinationPor 12 montheefterthe date of this examination. The papersdonewere good and indicatethat a11 candidateshave benefited from the inotructionwhichthey have received. Thoaewho have passedthe examirwtionmust not relaxtheireffortsto maintaia and iacreaaetheir knowledge.