Force Orders 1938_08 X No. 8. k 26th éarch, 1938. CIRCUL&TEDTO ALL RA S OF THE C ESHIRECONkIABUL&RY. REPAIR4,DECORATIONS&C., TO COUNTYPROPERTY. In consequenceo£ it havingbeenbroughtto the notice o£ the Chie£Constablethat considerableannoyancehas baen caused to the CouatyArohitect?sDepartmentby i11-3nformedcriticismsand suggestionsmade by occupiersof Countyw edproperty,where repaire, alteratione&o., are being oarriedout by the CouatyArchitect, the ChiefConetabledirectsthat in futurethé occupantswill report on the commencementof the work and tha ampletionof suchwork. The weeklyreportwi11 etate,whatprogresshae been made,but under no circumstanceswhateverwi11 any euggestioaor critic3embe made to the Contraatoror the CountyB,rch tect'srepresentative. 2f tha occupierwisheato make any suggestioneuchwill be made to the Ch3efConstablethroughthe kuperiotendento£ the Division and to no otherperson.