Force Orders 1938_07 X N0. 7. Circulatedto a11 Ranks of the CheehireConstabulary. 12th March,1938. EDUCATION- LECTURES. In view of the markedimprovementin the educationof the .. Force I feel that th® numb®rof lecturescan be aafelyreduced. From 1et. Apr111938 the followingsystemwi11 operate throughoutthe Force :- EverySergeantwill lecturehie commandonce a month.Thie lecturemuet be properlyprepared.The m®re readingof an order or one of my instructionalpapereia not a lecture. Inepectorawi11 lecturetheir Sergeanteonce a month.The lecturesto be givenare thoee issuedby me. A11 Sergeantemuet attendtheselectures. In Divieionewherethereare no Inepectoretheselectureewi11 be givenby the Superintendenteof euch Divisions. . The Sergeaataof the SpecialSchemeand MotorPatrolwi11 b® lecturedby their Inepectors. Conetableeoc probationwi11 attendthe lectureewhichare givento the commandin whichthey are serving. Once a month each Inepectorwi11 lecturethe Constableson probationwho are,e®rvingin his sub-Division.If the Inepector can eo arraageeuch lecturesto eerveae Sub-Divieionallecturea ae we11 eo much the better. Arrangementeuch as this indicatee intelligentadminietration. No Inepectoroughtto lecturea,claeeof two or threeConstablea. If there is a caee aherethereare only a fewConstablesoa probationto be lecturedby an Inspectorthe Iaepectorconcerned ehouldeo arrangematterethat othermen can attendhie lecture in orderto make up a reasonablenumber. . . Once a quartereachsuperintendentwill lecturethe Conetablee on probationia his Divieion. In Divisionswherethereare no Inape torsand in conaequencethe Superintendentehaveto give the lectureenormallygivenby Inepectorethe probationary Conetableeof euch Divisionswi11 be lecturedmonthlyby the 5uperintendente. Superintendentemuet take etepato eneurethat lecturesare glvenat reasonableintervals.They must not a11`begivenin a few days and so leaveweekevacant. By intelligentarrangement the lectureaby the Superlateadent,t`heInepector'andthe Sergeant shouldbe epreadout evenly. - I expectSuperiatendenteto attenda Sergeant'eor Inapector'e lectureonce a monthand to keep an eye on the kind'ofinstruction which is being given. I wieh each Inepectorto attendat leaet one 5ergeant'electurea month and to keep etricteuperviaionover the lectureeand inetructlongiven y°thesergeants. L®cturesehouldnot take leee than 30 minutee.Normally they ahouldnot exceed45 minutes. There ie no object' onto one aubjectbeingspreadover a numberof lectures. Lecturorewi11 recordin theirNote-booksthe factthey have givena lectureand the name of the eubjectof the lecture. Ii pectoreaad sergeantswi11 recordin theirNote-booke the fact that a seaiorofficerwae preeentin thoeecaseewhore a sergeant'sor Inepector'electureie attendedby eome eenior offlcer. Such recordewi11 be requiredae Yrom timeto time 2 wi11 aek for particularaof lectureegivenia the differentDivisions. I wish superintendentsto keepan eye on the time epenton lecturee,inepectioaoY bookeand on educationalmatteregenerally eo a to eneurethat time ie not waetedin dealingwith theee• mattere. Wheamen are assembledfar any reaeonsuch ae for lecturee, pay or dri11advantageshouldbe taken oY euch opportunitieeto inspectbooke,explainordere,and so-fort with a view to avoiding uanecesearyaaaemblingof commandeaad eo waetingtime.Education. ie now e mattero£ ordinaryroutineand by intelligeatadministration matterecan b® adjustedeo that'ttiereië ae 1ittleinterferenceae possiblewith ordinarypolicework. . •