Force Orders 1938_06 X No. 6 3rd March,1938. Circulatedto a11 ranke of the Cheshire Constabulary. C2RCULATIONOF INFORMATION. SeriousCrime,Lose of Life,EscapedPrisoners. The Chief Conetable has observed that the circulationof informationwithin the County has not been carried out successfullynor in accordancewith the instructionslaid down in General Orders, and he therefore directs that Superintendentswi11 take an ear1y opportunityof inetructinga11 ranka on the importanceof the correct and ear1y circulation o£ importantmessages as laid down in G.O. 79/35. • Whenever a Hue and Cry is raieed within the County, and a dèscriptionie to be circulated£or a wanted or suepectedperson or vehicle and the meesage contains informationfrom which the person or vehicle can reasonablybe expected to be identified,Superintendentswi11 consider whether the manning of the County Key Points would be of assistance,and if, £rom the 1ocality of the Crime, the direction known to be taken by the pereon or vehicle, the descriptionavailable,or any other circumstancea connectedwith the case, they coneider the County Key Points should be manned, they wi11 immediatelytelephone Head Quarter'e £or inetructione. In the event of inetructionsbeing given to man the Key Points, the message wi11 be circulatedby telephoneae laid down in G.O. 79/35, followedby the words "The Chief Conetabledirects that t e County Key Pointe wi11 be manned." These instructionsregardingmanning Key Pointe wi11 not be telephoned to Liverpool or ManchesterWireleee 5tatione,and if a meseage has previouelybeen sent to either of theee Stations for circulationthe instructionsto man Key Points wi11 be circulatedby telephone. The duration o£ the time the scheme wi11 be kept in operation wi11 depend largely on the type o£ tha Crime atc. The superintendentfrom whose Division the message originated wi11 be responsible£or the cancellationin the avent o£ an arreet, or other circumsta ceswhich render the manning of the Key Points no longer necessary. The Chief Conetablewiehes Superintendentsto underetandthat he considerstha escape of a prisoner Yrom custody in the County a serious occurrencewhich ahould receive the attention of a11 ranke, and the uae of a11 the Pol ce machinery to effect a re-capture. The Chief Constable is reviewingthe position o£ the Key Pointe in the County and also the scheme for the circulationof informationin view of the increaee of wireless messages, and wi11 shortly issue fresh inetructione, but until theee are issued the instructionscontained in this General Order and General Order 79/35 wi11 be complied with, and the Key Points shown in General Order 90/35 wi11 be used.