Force Orders 1938_05 X No. 5. 31st January, 1938. CIRÇUTATED TO ALL RANKS 0F' THE cHESxIRE CONS ul Y. C IMR;AL ROUTE HAP. The Chief Constablehas £orwardedto Divisions large maps of England and ti4ales,aid a supply of flags for the use of Sergeants,aad a supply of sma11 maps for the use of . *Constablesfor the purpose of followingthe move entsof crimina.lsreported as wanted in Police publications,i.e., Po11ce Oazotte, Police eports, Dai1y Informationsand Inforoationsfrom ather Forces. The large maps are supplied for use at the stations sh • non th® attsched list marked supplement1. The Chiaf Constable directs that Sergeantswi11 themselves select a oriminal whom they observe Prom the publicationsis travelling from place to place c000aittingcrime, and whom they presume may come into the County. They 'dU indicate on the map by flags the places visited by the criminal and follow the movements as shown by subsaquentcrimes reported in the publications,until he is arrest'ed. A referenceas to where the informationis obtainedwill be recorded in sequenceon a piece of }aper and kept on the right hand corner of the map (specimenattached),marked Supplement 2. Having selected a criminal and when, £rom his movements, it is consideredthat he is 1ikely to visit the County, the Sergeantwi11 take tho necessary steps to warn a11 the persons o£ the class the criminal is attacking and they wi11 be given his descriptionand any informationwhioh ray be of assistance. Sergeantswill report to C.I.D. Headquartersthe criminalthey select to map, and çontinue to do so from time to time. When the selected criminsl is arrestad,whather in the County or not, the Sergeanl5wi11 remove the particularsfrom the map aid ensure that a11 t!:epersons who have been warned wi11 be informedof the arrest. The movements of on1y ono criminalv 11 be shown on the cap at any one time. At stationswhere there are more than oie Sergeant, the Chief Constabledirects that they wi11 each bo responsible for reading the publicationsand followingthe movements of the seleotedcrimixal on the one cap provided. The smaller maps wi11 be in possessionof every Constablewho wi11 select a criminal and follow his movements by insertingthe places visited by him on the map, and also warn persons on their beat when they considerthe oriminal is 1ikely to visit the County. Constableswi11 not seleci the sainecriminal as a Sergeant,but wi11 endeavourto obtain a result by their own intelligence. Criminalsto whom the Chief Constabledraws the special attention o£ the Constabularyon Dai1y Information wi11 not be mapped by Sergeants or Constables. Sergeantsand Constableswi11 not show on the maps criminalswho are operating in far distant óount es, i.e. the South of England, and who appear to confine their activities to that area, but *81 select persons who may reasonablybe expectedto commit crime ia this County. Constablesare not to report to the Chief Constable who they are mapping, but Sergeants wi11 periodicallyinspect the maps o£ the Constablesin their Command and see that the Chief Constable'sinstructionsare being compliedwith. Any successfulmapping of a criminal by either a Sergeant or a Conetablewi11 be reported to the Chief Constable, stating whether the criminal they have been mapping has committed an offence in the County; whether he has been arrested or not; and, if arrested,whether it was a result of any w arning given by them. Any points that may ca11 for advice can be referred to the DetectiveSuperintendent.