Force Orders 1938_02 X No. 2. 15th Janua.ry, 1938. CIRCUlATED T0 ALL RANKS TfiE CHESHIRE CONSTAHUTARY. subsequentdetection of undetectedcrime Inforz tio o£ same and result of case to be given to aggrieved person. The Chief Constable has observedthat there are numerous criminal cases where criminalsadmit other charges which aya taken into considerationwhen sentence is passed. Some of these cases have been reporteda considerabletime be£ore the arrest of the offender and therefore,the aggrieved person is rarely called upon to give evidence,nor is he informedthat the crue has been detected and of the sentence passed by the Court, and therefore,has a false impressionof the ef ic.encyof the Police in crime detection. This is more evident when there has been enepidemic of crime extendingover a long period in any particulararea and the matter has been braught to the r.oticeof the residentsby articles published in the press. The Chief Constablethereforedirects that whenever a criminal case committed in the County is taken ir.toconsiderationat any Court of summary jurisdiction(includingJuvenile Courts),Quarter Sessioas, or Assizes, whether in the County or elsewhere,Superintendentswi11 ensure that the aggrievedparty is informedthat the crime has been deteoted, and of the result of the case. The Constable reportingthe crime wi11 inform the aggrieved party, unless for some reason, such as transfers,and siokness, it is impracticablefor him to do so, in which case another Constable connectedwith the enquiry will perform this duty. The Constablewi11 submit a report, in duplicate,that the aggrieved party has been informed o£ the detectionand the result of the case, to the Superintendent,one copy wi11 be forwardedto C.I.D. Headquarters,a .one copy wi11 be filed with £orm C.I.D. 2 at DivisionalHeadquartersto complete the record. - 1 - No. 2. 15th January, 1938. - 2 - In any such case, where the Chief Constabledirects a caution or permits O£ficialsof Home Office Approved Schools to deal with the case, and thereforethe offender does not appear before the Court, the aggrievedperson wi11 be ioforned of the Chie£ Constable'sdecision and a report submitted. These instructionsdo not apply to cases where for any reason the Chief Constable directs that the report wi11 be marked o£f as "No Crime", unless the Chief Constable gi.vesspecial instructionsthat the aggrieved party wi11 be informed. - •