Force Orders 1938_01 X No. 1. 3rd Jannary,1938. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAVEB OF THE Cf SHIRE COHSTABULARY. The ChiefConstableknowsthata11 raaksof the CheshireConstabularwyi11 bi pleasedto learnthatthe 1ong, faithfulaad val'ableserviceso£ Mr. JohnRiohardDodd, .B.E., AsaiataatChi®fConetable,havebeearecognisedby Hie Majesty graciouslyaward3nghim the'e PoliceMedal. M . Dodd'sservicesto the CheshireCoaatabuTary wi11 alwaysbe an inspirationto youngOfficersand an example to sen3orOffioersof howthe besttraditionsoP a Foroeare uphald.