Force Orders 1937_55 X F ‚; GENERAL ORDER N0. 55 of 1937. Is uedon 10bh'r'ebruar1y9,38. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAN&4 OF THE C ESHIRECONSTASULARY. DESTRUCTIONOF DOCUMENTS. ( GeneralOrders1937 ). A11 rankswi11 at o cechecktheirGeneralOrdersfor 1937. ThisGeneralOrdermu tbe 1a e tedin the GeneralOrder file immediatelyafterNo. 54 of 1937- the laatGeneralOrderissuedin 1937. To enablethisto be donethis GeneralOrderhas beannumbered 55 of 1937andwi11 serveas a recordof the 1937GeneralOrderswhich ehouldbe in possessionof the Officeroonceraed. Inspectorshouldchecktheirkergeacts'£ilesand 8ergeaatsshouldchecktheirConetables'fileeand satisfythemselvesthat they are in posseasionof a11 the GeneralOrdersorderedto be keptand thatthoseorderedto be extractedand deetroyedhavibeen eo dealtwith. 14henthis checkhas been oarriedoutthe stat entat the end o£ this Orderwi11 be signed. Aftarthis checkao excusecaabe acceptedfor any deficiencies. Exceptat T.ieadquartaenrds DivisionaHleadquarterOsffices, wherea11 filesmustbe complete,the followingGeneralOrdersfor 1937 wi11 be extractedaad destroyedi'orthwith- GENERAL ORDERS far 1937 to be DEkTROYED. t No. 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54. TheseOrderswill be destroyedby firewithoutdelay' GENERAL ORDER4FOR 1937 to be PRE5ER4ED. No. 2. PoliceMedicalTreatnent,PoliceDentalTreatmettt. No. 4. SearchoY VeadquartersM.O.Department. No. 5. 2nquests- MedicalReports. No. 6. Taldogof FingerPrints. (2) General Ordere for 1937 to be preserved.(continued). No. 7. Wireless. No. 13. StatisticalIn estigatioaof Road TrafficAccidents. No. 15. ForgingSigaaturesand SigningIncorrectCertificates. No. 17. Alterationsto CountyProperty. No. 20. BeatReports. No. 22. Rest Days. No. 27. CriminalRecordFormsReceivedfrom New Scotl ndYard. No. 30. Penaltyfor Falsehood. No. 34. Sectioael Office Fi1es, Index and Booka .(Iss ¢d.Yo.a11.ß nki. xcet No. 35. Cellophane Wrappers and Bottles £or Exhibits. ~ 61es.). No. 36. kiciciess- Unfitfor Duty. No. 41. MedicalAttendance. No. 42. CellophaneWrappereand Bottlafor Eahibits. No. 43. T®lephones. No. 45. TelephoneBooks.(Thisorderwas issuedto StationOffices on1yand so wi11 be kept in the filesat such places. It wi11 not be in possessionof individualofficers). Ao. 46. Arm 8adea. No. 48. Uee o£ MotorCars. No. 49. Wearingof Mufti. (I uedto Inepeotor' Stationson1y ao wi11 not be in possessiono£ otherranks). No. 52: Filsehoodsand Fa1se Entries. No. 55. Destructionof Documenta. The follocvingstatementwi11 be completedaftercompliancewith the aboveOrderc- GeneralOrderNo. 55 of 1937 compliedwith on (date) S ignature . Esamined c (date) • 3 igaature . .;