Force Orders 1937_54 X No. 54. 24th December, 1937. CIRCUTATED TO ALL RAN S THE C}3ESHIRE CONBT&BUIARY. The Chief Constablewishes a11 members of tha Cheshire C•onstabularyand their fami.liesa}derry Christ as and a Happy New Year. The Chief Constablehas been very pleased with the ' improvementin educationand records and much impressedby the zeal and mutual cooperationshown by a11 ranks, with the result that 78 per cent of the crime has been detected.Ixi 1335 on1y 59 per cent were detected. This renarkableand pleasing result has on1y been achieved by diligentand intelligentenquiry, by the intelligentuse of the police machlne, and above a11 by the willingnesso£ a11 ranks to play their part. The Chief Constablewould like t take this opportunity „ of thanking a11 ranks for their cooperationand for the willing manner in which they have carried out their duties. The Chiaf Constablehopes that 1938 will show an increaseduse of inechanicaldevices, finger prints, modus operandi, scientificlaboratoryand wireless, and that the Cheshire Constabularywill continueto carch towards the goal of increased efficiency.