Force Orders 1937_49 X No. 49. 16th December,19$7. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO-D1V7SIONAL OFFICES& INSPECTORS'STATIONS ONLY. The privilegeof wearingmufti by Inspectorshas been grosslyabused. Inspectorswi11 performa11 officialdutiesin uaiform,unlessspeciallyauthorisedby the ChiefConstable not to do so. The Superintendentis authorieedto eanatioa Inspectorswearingmuf6i£ obaercatioapurposes. The ChiefConstabledoesnot wish at the present time to make sucha drasticregulationfor kuperintendents, and he reliesoa them to showa wise diecretionin thismatter. In the ChiefConstable'sopinioauaiformis the correctdressfor PoliceOffioersperformingPoliceduties.