Force Orders 1937_48 X ,,.,. ..,.- No. 48. 4th December,1937. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAIVSB OF THE CHESHIRE CO TABULARY. . USE OF MOTOR CARS. Tha ChiefConstablehas, for sometime paet had undercon- , siderationthe use of motor carsby membersof the Conetabulary, and he has decidedto authoriseSuperintendentsto sanctionthe use o£ motor cars ownedby Sergeantsin caseswhere timewi11 be de£initelysavedin suchSergeantsattendingat - CountyHead-quarters,Chester. Divisi lHead-quarters. PettySessionsand OtherCourts. The grantingof the allorrnncefor the use o£ cars hae, in the past been very much abusedand the ChiefConstablewishesit to be clearlyunderstoodthathe wi11 discontinuethis privilegeif such abusé creepain again. . It w111 be understoodthat if a Sergeantwhen usiag his car can conveya Conetableof his Sectionto the placewhere he is attend- . ing he will do so. Superintendentewi11 aubmitto this Officefor approva1or otherwisaForm F.17 made out at the rate of 2d. per milewheneverthey authoriseSergeantsto uae their own cars.