Force Orders 1937_45 X No. 45. 6th Novewber,1937. TO BE CIRCUI TED TO DIVISIOIi4L HEAD@UARTERS AND STATION OF ICES. TELEPHONEBOOK8. The ChiefConstabled3rectsthat in futurethe, boo]woontaininga recordof telëphonemeasageswi11 be kept for a periodof two yearsa d on 1st Januaryia ®achyear the books contaiaiageuchmessageapriorto the two previous yearawi11 be deetroyed,thus a let January,1938,the telephonebookscoatainiagentrieepriorto 1st Jaauary,1936, wi11 be de t oyedand again on ist January,1939,books contalaingentriespriorto 1et January,1937wi.11be sianilarky dealtxlth aad th ,fromyear to yaar. The resulto£ the abovearrangementsw111 be that a recordof telephoaemessagesfor the previoustwo yearswi11 be in existence.